What’s on your Mind, Seal Beach?
Maintaining a clean and safe city
The City of Seal Beach is committed to maintaining the quality of life our residents demand and deserve. Thank you to the hundreds of residents who recently participated in our community survey to identify local priorities and City needs!
It is clear from the survey that keeping our community safe is of utmost importance to community members and the City alike. Unfortunately, despite the City’s best efforts last year, there were over 700 thefts, burglaries, robberies, and auto thefts in the City of Seal Beach — the highest number in five years. The City must maintain public safety and community policing efforts to keep residents and their property safe.
Residents also cited emergency medical response as a priority. So far this year alone, approximately 75 percent of all calls to the Orange County Fire Authority, the fire protection and EMS agency that serves Seal Beach, have been related to medical emergencies. We must ensure that our City has the needed firefighters and paramedics along with the lifesaving equipment they need to maintain emergency response times and save lives.
We hear and share these concerns and priorities. Seal Beach faces significant financial challenges this year, giving the City no choice but to make severe cuts in public safety services — pothole repairs, park maintenance, water and beach protection and other essential City services if additional funding is not identified during the budget process.
The state imposes expensive regulations and bureaucracy which takes away funding and local tax revenue from our City. We must ensure as much of our local revenue as possible be spent for Seal Beach, which will give us local control of City services and cannot be taken by Sacramento.
Additional priorities identified by the Seal Beach community include:
- Maintaining 911 medical emergency response
- Maintaining fire response
- Maintaining police response
- Protecting local drinking water sources
- Helping prevent property crimes and retail thefts
- Keeping public beaches clean
- Keeping public areas clean and safe
We want to hear from you! We invite you to share your priorities and engage in our What’s on your Mind, Seal Beach efforts by taking our online community survey.
Your valuable feedback helps bolster City priorities. With your help, we can encourage all our neighbors to let us know What’s on your Mind, Seal Beach!
Hundreds of residents recently participated in our community survey to identify local priorities and City needs. Click here or below to view the results. . .
Frequently Asked Questions About
What’s on your Mind, Seal Beach?
Addressing Seal Beach Safety, Cleanliness, & Local Control
Q: What is What’s on Your Mind, Seal Beach?
A: The City of Seal Beach launched What’s on your Mind, Seal Beach to update our community on the state of City services and programs, and to hear directly from YOU about your top community priorities. Your input will be used in future budget decisions and service planning. Your input helps determine the direction of Seal Beach.
Q: What is happening with the City’s budget?
A: The City faces significant financial challenges this year, giving the City no choice but to make severe cuts in funding for fire and police protection, pothole repairs, park maintenance, water and beach protection and other essential City services if additional funding is not identified.
Q: What City provided programs are important to the community?
A: Residents have indicated emergency medical services are a top priority. So far this year alone, approximately 75 percent of all calls to the Orange County Fire Authority that serves Seal Beach have been related to medical emergencies. The City must be able to ensure that our City has the needed firefighters and paramedics, and lifesaving equipment to maintain emergency response times and save lives.
Q: I don’t feel that government is addressing my priorities.
A: The City launched What’s on your Mind, Seal Beach to get our community involved so you can tell us your community priorities. The City is working to provide City services and programs that are important to YOU! The state imposes expensive regulations and bureaucracy which takes away funding and local tax revenue from our City. We must ensure as much of our local revenue as possible be spent for Seal Beach, which will give us local control of city priorities and cannot be taken by Sacramento.
Q: What community concerns and priorities is the City working to address?
A: We are currently working to address the community’s top concerns. In a community survey conducted earlier this year, your neighbors have already identified the following priorities:
- Maintaining 911 medical emergency response / maintaining fire response
- Maintaining police response
- Protecting local drinking water sources
- Helping prevent property crimes and retail thefts
- Keeping public beaches clean
- Keeping public areas clean and safe
Q: How can I make my voice heard?
A: We want to hear from you! Share your input by speaking up and take the online What’s on your Mind, Seal Beach online survey at Sealbeachca.gov/onmymind